Monthly Archives: August 2015


today is may’s birthday we celebrate with a simple cake we sing happy birthday to may and maria teach us to say “please,thank you and i beg your pardon” when ever we need to say it.

we sing happy birthday in different languages and have different food to eat.


We have been Learning Lots!

We have been learning lots about colour mixing, using different brushes, blending, making colours work together, how to look after our brushes and ourselves.

We always eat lots of good food. We like pears a lot and pineapple, cheese, hommus and avocado dip and sometimes onion dip. We’ve discovered picklets and jam.

We’ve been learning how to say hello in different ways.

Last week was so windy so we painted wind paintings. The wind sounded so loud we thought it was scary.


We learn not to waste paint and be careful with our paint brushes. I used a brush to make it into a fan flower shape to paint flowers.

